The Finance Report is emailed out quarterly.
If you would like to receive a copy, please reach out to Steve Adams or email the Board at [email protected].
If you would like to receive a copy, please reach out to Steve Adams or email the Board at [email protected].
The HOA Board of Directors have set new policy for annual dues collection.
Annual Assessment Collection policy
Effective January 1, 2023
The HOA Board of Directors have set new policy for annual dues collection.
Annual Assessment Collection policy
Effective January 1, 2023
- Annual assessments are due in full on October 1 and late after October 31.
- Assessment payment envelopes must be post marked by October 31st, and assessment checks must be received by the Treasurer on or before October 31st
- Assessment checks received and payment envelopes post marked after October 31, are delinquent and will incur a late fee of $10 per month plus any collection fees incurred, until the total amount due is received.
- All expenses incurred by the HOA to collect delinquent assessments, will be posted to the owners account for reimbursement, including USPS mailing fees, small claim court recoding fees and all legal fees.
- The board encourages owners that may be in a difficult financial situation, contact the board to discuss potential payment plan options to prevent late fees, collection fees and legal fees.
- Monthly delinquent statements will be emailed to owners with an active email or USPS mailed to all owners that are delinquent after November 1, indicating the balance due.
Community Committee Board Reps
ARB- Sandy Griffin
Social Committee- Katy Ewalt
Welcoming Committee- Steve Adams
Block Captains- Kirk Wilson
Landscaping of the Front Entrance- Bill Burd
Memorial Committee ( Honoring any resident who passes away) - Margie Willis
ARB- Sandy Griffin
Social Committee- Katy Ewalt
Welcoming Committee- Steve Adams
Block Captains- Kirk Wilson
Landscaping of the Front Entrance- Bill Burd
Memorial Committee ( Honoring any resident who passes away) - Margie Willis
Watch your email, mailbox and our Facebook page for info on how to participate!
Watch your email, mailbox and our Facebook page for info on how to participate!
The next Palmetto Plantation Board Meeting is scheduled for May 3rd- Place and time TBD