Approval Process
As a reminder, our CCR's state:
No buildings, structures or improvements of any type or nature shall be constructed, altered or modified without the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Board. Architectural Review Board must receive copies of the plans and specifications and related data (including, if required by the Architectural Review Board, a survey showing the location of trees of six (6) inches in diameter at a height of four (4) feet above ground level and other significant vegetation on such lot, which shows the nature, color, type, shape, height, materials, and location of the proposed improvements).
Please use the ARB Application below.
See Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Palmetto Plantation (CCRs) Article X Architectural Standards and Use Restrictions Section 10.03 Architectural Approval for additional information regarding the ARB approval process.
No buildings, structures or improvements of any type or nature shall be constructed, altered or modified without the prior written approval of the Architectural Review Board. Architectural Review Board must receive copies of the plans and specifications and related data (including, if required by the Architectural Review Board, a survey showing the location of trees of six (6) inches in diameter at a height of four (4) feet above ground level and other significant vegetation on such lot, which shows the nature, color, type, shape, height, materials, and location of the proposed improvements).
Please use the ARB Application below.
See Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Palmetto Plantation (CCRs) Article X Architectural Standards and Use Restrictions Section 10.03 Architectural Approval for additional information regarding the ARB approval process.